(19.Iun.2014 13:07)
While I think the mailer is ougaetrously over-the-top and wasn't called for in the least, I also think that, well, that's the same thing this blog has been for the past couple months (at least as it relates to Julia Carson.)You're insinuated that she's broken federal law, that she's rigged elections, she's done this, she's done that. All with very little proof and mostly no evidence. You condemn Julia for finding old dirt on Dickerson, but thought it was perfectly okay for you to go dig up even older dirt on her.As an example, now you claim that her campaign - in violation of federal election law - coordinated an attack mailer with the DCCC. And that the mailer was intended to stir up racial tensions by targeting white people to tell them that black people shouldn't serve in Congress. Except she is black, so it's black men shouldn't serve. Which makes absolutely no sense. If you're going to appeal to racism, will the racist make the differential between the female and the male? "I hate me some black men, but black women? Hell, they're perfectly fine!" C'mon Gary. Think about this rationally for a minute. How many homophobes do you know that can't stand gay men, but think lesbians are peachy keen? Real life doesn't work like that. You're grasping at straws in your obsession to try to take down Julia Carson. You've attacked other bloggers, Indianapolis politicians, the media and anyone who dares disagree with you. You've let Jocelyn Tandy have free run of your blog, for crying out loud - and you're agreeing with her most of the time!It's okay to support Eric Dickerson. We have the right to choose whom we support and who we don't. But when you attack the candidate for going negative while engaging in negative attacks against the candidate the entire time, don't expect most people to take you seriously.And that's what worries me the most. I think you have a lot to say and most of it needs to be shared. I'd hate to see you lose even more credibility with these half-baked conspiracy theories.